Ongoing Secret Human Experimentation on American Citizens & Residents Using EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweaponry

New Page added under Human Rights, on Secret Human Experimentation on Americans, and Citizens Worldwide:

“Thousands of Americans, and citizens worldwide, are being experimented on today, and have been, for some decades, by “stealth” technologies and “concealed monitoring,” without their consent and knowledge, in many many fields of bioscience and social science and psychology, including neuroscience, through the use of deadly, EMF radiation & sonic/ultrasonic neuroweaponry, satellite and ground surveillance, cybersurveillance, electronic surveillance, and “radiation surveillance”–a euphemism within a euphemism, essentially pointing to EMF and sonic neuroweaponry.

How is this achieved? A few ways:”  See more.

2 responses to “Ongoing Secret Human Experimentation on American Citizens & Residents Using EMF Radiation/Sonic Neuroweaponry

  1. Illegal experiments on human in Brazil through eletromagnetism The brains of brazilians are connected to satellite technology to long for torture and murder and the government continues to ignore the facts. This satellite technology is controlled by a global network of Criminals these elements they enter the human brain 24hs the connection an come from several People at the same time, reading the visual córtex through the computer brain interface using telephone antennas, satellite and the brain human. Organized crime uses this weapons in drug and People trafficking to ring public tenders and vestibular our simply to torture innocent People. The weapons is dangerous through it you can insert sounds, images and other noises in the target’s head with the aid of acoustic waves vibrational, eletromagnetic radio frequency sound with the use of implantion or brain signature. This modern torture mechanism and elimination of human rights and individual privacy aims to weaken the target of the attack. This weapons uses Neuroeletronicas brain frequency of 3hz to 50hz distance to torture victim by sending intracranial voices plague victims who be come human guinea pigs in the hands of entire gangs that are usurping these bodies victims need to try a faraday cage p try to get rid of this harassment. Recently a US law against the use of climate and mind control weapons was passed, i would like to know the opinion of authorities regarding this type of crime around the world? My name is Marisa am a victim of human minds trafficking ring operating in southers Brazil, i have an intracranial implant an i’m being tortured. I need help to save my life. Please help me blocking remote neural monitoring,
    Porto Alegre – RS / Brazil

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