Perhaps it’s Time for Everyone in America to Re-Think 9/11

Re-Think 9/11

Lately I have been led by various listservs, Facebook groups, and real-media (still termed alternative-media) websites to peruse many of the newly released  accounts, videos, and articles on the subject of 9/11, the horrific event that led us in the US to the horrors of the Patriot Act and everything else in its train, further horrific legislation, the creation of “Homeland Security,” and all sorts of illegal and warrantless surveillance, policing, censorship, harassment. 

It seems like there is a lot coming out currently, but I also found a lot already published, over the last few years, and only slowly becoming more widely known. You can just Google 9/11 and words like “story” and “truth” on the web, or on Youtube, to yield tons of information.

Perhaps this is something all of us in America need to do right now–mired as we are in illegal surveillance, censorship, and COINTELPRO harassment–peruse the evidence, think for ourselves, and figure out the truth for ourselves. Perhaps that could be the first step for more of us to stand up and demand change.  The Patriot Act, the AUMF, the NDAA–and various Executive Orders–perhaps it is time right now for us to bury these pieces of casual oppression aimed at us.

I collected a small set of links to the recent articles and videos and radio shows I have been invited to read and watch and listen to lately, they are here on this Re-Think 9/11 page, which I think important enough to keep permanently linked and easily available from the Restoring Democracy page.  Please read, please share, please spread the word. 

The first link on that list leads to, where I read today’s article and once more watched the short film linked there. It made me think more of us need to be reading this, watching this, thinking more deeply about what exactly has happened to us in the US–and elsewhere–post 9/11.  And asking ourselves: what can we possibly do to change this current reality? Is there anything that can be done?

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