Daily Archives: May 6, 2020

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s Interview Blowing the Lid off the COVID-19 Pandemic Scare, with Faulty Tests, Faulty Data, and Dangers of Vaccines Has Been Removed by Youtube

Report | Ramola D | May 6, 2020

Claiming violation of community guidelines after a viewer submitted this video for review, Youtube sent me a note this morning saying it had been removed.

Further, they did offer a link for an appeal, but following that gave me a one-sentence box to state a reason.

Then, sending in the appeal garnered an instant email–literally a minute after I submitted it–saying the appeal had been reviewed (right–by a bot?) and “violation of community guidelines” held the floor. (Email receipt times below.)

So, let me redline that: Youtube didn’t bother with reviewing my appeal, nor did it allow me a proper accommodation online for a proper appeal–letting me put in one 10-word sentence as “Reason for appeal” is absurdity profound. This is fraudulent. As a public media platform provider — which benefits from content creators — Youtube needs to be fully responsive to its users and creators, but clearly is not, and has moved into becoming a Censor rather than a Media provider.

Youtube is owned by Google which is owned by Alphabet which is owned by the CIA which is owned by those-we-cannot-name? It is time to blow the lid off this Mockingbird enterprise which is currently freezing free speech and free press.

This video was the first in my channel to be registered as having over 22K views — since it appears all my videos are massively censored on Youtube. It’s not right, and it’s never been right. My work to reveal the crimes of intelligence agencies, governments, and corporations has been severely suppressed on Youtube ever since I opened a channel and started podcasting. The most I see is 2K views, or 3K views — while the people I interview are dropping mega-disclosures which should be garnering way more views and attention. Clearly these videos are being shadowbanned extremely.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny’s blockbuster conversation can be viewed here:


I will post it also to Bitchute and Brighteon, where I hope to start posting all my videos.

This is my second video slammed by Google this week. The first was Ole Dammegard’s video revealing bombshell information about the false flags in Sweden and the aversion of a mega-catastrophe beyond the horrors of the COVID-19 plandemic, of which it was to be a part–which I will write about more shortly. I have reposted that at Vimeo and Bitchute at my channels there (Ramola D Reports).

It is significant that all truth about COVID-19 is being censored, particularly this terrific conversation with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, which I wrote about earlier here:

Ramola D Reports, Report # 168 |Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: COVID-19 Test Does Not Prove COVID-19–All Figures on Infections and Deaths are False!